
Recipe Type: Desserts

Feijoa Frozen Yogurt with Chocolate

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

in this article, you’ll learn how to make Feijoa yogurt with chocolate it’s very simple Mix 2 cups of plain Greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, then add chopped Feijoa. Spoon the mixture onto baking paper and freeze until hard. Drizzle melted dark chocolate over the frozen yogurt, ...

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Feijoa and apple pie

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Feijoa and Apple Pie combine the unique flavors of feijoas and apples, enhanced by a blend of warm spices. Encased in golden, flaky puff pastry, the pie features a filling of sliced Braeburn apples and ripe feijoas, mixed with cinnamon, ginger, and allspice for a deliciously spiced treat. Topped with ...

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Baked Feijoa Dumplings with Lemon Sauce

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Baked Feijoa Dumplings with Lemon Sauce is a dessert that combines the unique flavor of feijoas with a flaky pastry crust, creating a sweet and tangy treat. Each dumpling is made by wrapping a whole ripe feijoa in a square of pastry dough, sprinkled with a touch of sugar, and ...

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Feijoa Compote

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Feijoa compote is a fruit-based dessert or condiment made by cooking the flesh of ripe feijoas with water, a dash of lemon juice, and sugar until the fruit is soft and the mixture has thickened. The resulting compote is a sweet and tangy mixture that can be served warm or ...

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Feijoa Squares

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Feijoa squares are a dessert made with a thickened, sweetened feijoa filling sandwiched between layers of spiced shortcake dough, baked until golden brown, and topped with a sprinkle of icing sugar and cinnamon. Feijoa Filling Shortcake Summary Enjoy your delicious feijoa squares!

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Feijoa and orange fluff

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Feijoa and orange fluff are types of dessert salads that are light, sweet, and often served at gatherings like potlucks or family dinners. They combine a feijoa fruit and orange, whipped topping, and other sweet ingredients to create a fluffy, creamy treat. Enjoy

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Feijoa Syrup

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Feijoa syrup is a concentrated liquid made from the use of feijoa skins along with other ingredients like water and sugar the mixture is then boiled and cooled making it a versatile ingredient in both culinary and beverage applications. To make Feijoa syrup follow the provided steps below. Enjoy

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Feijoa salad

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Feijoa salad made from chopped walnuts and mayonnaise is a classic dish that combines sweet and savory flavors with a unique feijoa flavour. It is often served with roasted meats, such as chicken, steak, or with a side of crusty bread or rolls.

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Feijoa curd Recipe

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Feiijoa curd is a type of spread or topping made from feijoa fruit, zest, sugar, eggs, and butter. It has a smooth and creamy texture, similar to custard, and is typically used as a filling for pastries, cakes, or tarts, or simply spread on toast, scones, or biscuits. Enjoy

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stewed Feijoa Recipe

Recipe Type: Cuisine:

Stewed feijoa is a dish made by cooking pieces of chopped feijoa fruits with their skin removed in liquid over low heat until they are soft and tender. The liquid used can vary, but it’s often water, fruit juice, or a combination of both, along with sweeteners like sugar or ...

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