
Feijoa and apple pie

  • Yield: 1 large baked pie
  • Servings: 8-10 servings
  • Prep Time: 30m
  • Cook Time: 30m
  • Ready In: 60m
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Feijoa and Apple Pie combine the unique flavors of feijoas and apples, enhanced by a blend of warm spices. Encased in golden, flaky puff pastry, the pie features a filling of sliced Braeburn apples and ripe feijoas, mixed with cinnamon, ginger, and allspice for a deliciously spiced treat. Topped with a sprinkle of raw sugar, this pie is baked to perfection and best served warm with a dollop of cream or ice cream. Perfect for a cozy dessert or a special occasion treat.


  • 2 sheets pre-rolled puff pastry (25cm x 25cm)
  • plain flour for rolling
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • raw sugar for sprinkling
  • Filling:
  • 4 braeburn apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced
  • 10 firm but ripe feijoas, peeled and thickly sliced*
  • 3 tablespoons plain flour
  • ½ teaspoon ground all spice
  • ⅓ cup light muscovado sugar


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C. fan bake.

Step 2

Roll out each sheet of pastry on a lightly floured bench to make it a little thinner and larger. Place one sheet on a lined flat baking tray and brush the edges with egg wash

Step 3

Filling: Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, tossing the fruit so it’s all really well coated in the spice mix

Step 4

Tip the fruit onto the pastry, spreading them evenly and leaving a 2cm border all the way around.

Step 5

Place the second piece of pastry over the top. Pull the edges of the bottom piece of pastry up over the top piece and crimp the edges together to seal well. Cut a few small slits in the top of the pie. Brush the whole pie with egg wash and sprinkle with raw sugar.

Step 6

Bake for 30–35 minutes until a good golden color and the pastry is really well cooked.

Step 7

Slide onto a serving platter and dust with icing sugar. Best served warm with cream or ice-cream

Oh, this was so good. Feijoa and Apple pie. you can freeze a lot of fejoas already peeled and sliced. So you can enjoy them when they are out of season

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