
Feijoa, Honey and Pistachio Strudel Recipe

  • Yield: 3 slices (approx)
  • Servings: 4
  • Prep Time: 45m
  • Cook Time: 25m
  • Ready In: 1:10 h
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A Feijoat, Honey, and Pistachio Strudel is a delightful dessert typically made by layering phyllo pastry with a sweet feijoa filling, honey, chopped pistachios, and other ingredients then rolling it into a strudel shape and baking until golden brown and crispy.

in this article, you will learn how to make a Feijoa pastry with this easy-to-follow step-by-step.


  • 6 Feijoas, Large
  • 1 tsp ground cardamon
  • 2 Tsp honey
  • ½ Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tsp water
  • 5 Sheets filo pastry
  • 50 g Butter, Melted
  • ½ cup pistachio nuts, coarsely chopped, Plus 1 Tbsp Extra
  • ½ cup icing sugar
  • 1 lemon, juiced + add to shopping list


Step 1

peel and chop the feijoas. put into a saucepan with a cardamon, honey, vanilla and water. cook gently for 10 minutes or until soft and pulpy. spoon into a sieve and let cool.

Step 2

preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius. lay the pastry out. filo dries out quickly so cover with a sheet of boil then a damp tea towel while preparing.

Step 3

Take one sheet, brush lightly with butter and sprinkle with pistachios cover with a second sheet and repeat until you reach the final sheet.

Step 4

spoon the feijoa along the end of the pastry, keeping an inch free on either side. fold the edge over the feijoa mixture, then roll up.

Step 5

Brush the edge with butter before sealing. Brush the top of the pastry with butter then place on a baking tray and cook for 25 minutes or until golden and crispy.

Step 6

stir the icing sugar together with the lemon juice and drizzle over the cooled strudel before sprinkling over the rest of the pistachios. serve with cream or Greek style yoghurt.


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